Thursday 4 June 2015

And so it begins...

Hello, I am Liz (although i respond to; Lizzy, Elizabeth, Eliza, Stinky). This is my face;

In case you were wondering, this particular face of mine is half English, half Chinese and fully dork. I live in London and study English literature. I love fashion and am currently doing intensive, unpaid and often soul destroying labour (more commonly referred to as being a fashion intern) just to one day work in the industry. I'm writing this blog to try and flex my writing muscles, my academic, Virginia Woolf, Shakespeare muscles are pretty hefty but, you got to work all the muscle groups to have a hot bod... Anyway this blog is merely an exploration of things i find interesting or feel in someway obliged to share with the world. You can expect posts that mainly centre around; fashion, food and fitness but there will also be lots of lifestyle bits and bobs. I do hope you enjoy.